Another portal opportunity presents itself.....are you ready?
The Goddess of the Living Ocean
The Beautiful Mother
Mother of All
It is a day to celebrate the Great Mother. We celebrate her energy on February 2 and again in September. She brings us great protection to all women and the men she is particular to. She offers a special kind of fertility, one that can fill each part of your life with abundance. Whether you are seeking the birth of a child or the birth of a new job or project, she will assist you and see your goal to fruition. She is the bearer of prosperous fruit.
Her name has many variations: YEMAYA YEMOJA IEMOJA IEMANYA and many more.
Her name is a contraction of Yey Omo Eja, which means "Mother Whose Children are the Fish." She is also called “Mama Wata" and “Mother of the Waters/Seas/Ocean”
She is the ruler of the seas. Water is essential to life, hence her protection of life of all things. Without Yemaya, life on earth would not be possible. She is the great mother, hence her also ruling over childbirth, She is the great mother of the Orishas as well. She is the ultimate maternal energy.
She is the divine feminine, strongly protective, and cares deeply for all Her children, comforting and cleansing them of their sorrow. She offers healing of reproductive infertility in women. She also represents wealth with her cowrie shells as representation. In ancient times, cowrie shells were one of the first currencies before the emergence paper and coin money. She does not easily lose Her temper, but when angered She can be quite destructive and violent, as the sea in a storm.
When she goes to war on behalf of her children, she wields a machete with expertise and no one can defeat her. She wears a big beautiful blue dress with seven white lines of adornment or with seven actual skirts that represent the seven seas. Her number is seven representative of the seven seas as well.
In other religions, Her energy is represented by the Virgin Mary, Isis, Frigg, Kuan Yin, and Our Lady of Regla.
We offer TWO specially blended Yemaya herbal essences on our site for Protection and Prosperity. Learn more by clicking the link above!
I will be conducting a ritual to assist with the welcoming of this energy. If you are serious about manifesting abundance in your life this year, this is the help you were looking for. Remember that message saying you were going to get the help you needed to attain your goal. Here it is! Don’t hesitate or settle for stagnation. Your time is NOW.
22 in Numerology is a Master Number.
22 in Numerology
An extremely powerful angel number that comes with the message that you are on purpose in life. You are on the brink of turning your dreams into reality. The number 22 is a master number in numerology which comes with its own extraordinary power and vibration. 22 is one of the most powerful numbers. Its number represents light, harmony, and cooperation. The universe is cooperating with you. It wants what you want. Tap into this energy with me.
Interested in a Numerology or 2/2 Portal Opportunity Reading? Sign up here before the date as slots will fill up! I’m only doing a limited amount as I want to focus most energy on fulfilling the ritual. Learn more below.
If you are interested and serious about seeing manifestation in your world this year, click on the link below and sign up for your spot. They are limited!
After purchase, you will be sent special instructions and/or tools/material needed before the day of the ritual.