I came across a video from the recent funeral of Nipsey Hussle, a legendary artist who heavily impacted his community, Lauren London’s son Kameron Carter explains a dream he had about Nipsey shortly after he died. In this heartfelt video, he spoke about what he saw and also what he knew to be true. It was so touching; you could physically see the vision he expressed and followed the journey with him until the end of the story.
This made me ponder on my own thoughts as a child. Did I have vivid dreams like this? I was always closely connected to adults as a child, partly to me being an only child, partly to my own precociousness. I remember certain vivid dreams that I can swear are reality to this day. What happened to that child spark? Where does that go as you grow older and become inhibited by society?
Children souls are more sensitive and aware then we as adults of this world are simply for the fact that they haven’t been on this Earth long enough to be tainted….they just got here! It might be easier to think about in terms of a really great vacation. Days before you are gearing your excitement for such a great excursion. In fact, it has bee proven that people have the same euphoria right before an event as they do when they finally vacate.
According to a 2010 study published in the journal Applied Research in Quality of Life, just planning or anticipating your trip can make you happier than actually taking it. The study concluded that people only experienced a boost in happiness post-vacation if their trip was relaxing. If their vacation was deemed “stressful” or “neutral,” their post-trip happiness levels were comparable to those who hadn’t taken a vacation at all.
In these terms, children haven’t taken the vacation yet! They are anticipating greatness because that is what is expected. Now take the adult who brings with him his history of past vacations, whether good or bad, which will automatically drop your natural euphoria about an experience averaging them out. Memories of not-so-good vacations come up in memory as you try to stay focused on the positive ensuring an enjoyable experience.
Even after the vacation, a child will explain in minute detail every part of that vacation; the things that surely should be forgotten like the price of the gas when we stopped on the way but a child will remember that! Every thing is a wonder from a child’s perspective. Every experience is a lesson to learn and to expand on your current knowledge.
It’s easier to come without any expectations and expect the best.
Something happens to children within the ages of 7–9 where the spark starts to dwindle if it isn’t encouraged and nurtured. That spark is what turns into ingenuity and creativity as we evolve or that is what is meant to do. They are closer to the Creator than we are….chronologically speaking of course. We do not prioritize their sensitivity and will unknowingly stifle this gift if we do not learn to harness it first and show them as well.
Take some time today to ponder your own thoughts as a child. Where do you think the spark went if it ever left you? How did you embrace it again? If you are a parent, think deeper into the spark of your own children. Learn how to protect and nurture it so that it becomes inherent as they evolve.