Look Within

There is no fire like greed

No crime is hatred.

No sorrow like separation.

No sickness like hunger of heart.

And no joy like the joy or freedom.


Health, contentment, and trust.

Are your greatest possessions,

And freedom your greatest joy.


Look within.

Be still.

Free from fear and attachment,

Know the sweet joy of living in the way.


Adapted from the Dhammapada.


Ah, the ebbs and flows of self-reflection!

Looking within takes a lot of work.  Believe me I know!  When you turn inwards, sometimes what you find is not all that great.  Sometimes you find the things that worry you, make you weak (in your own terms), or cause you to regret past experiences.  Things like hatred, jealousy, greed.  Of course, we all don’t wrestle with the same vices.  Some are more jealous than others, whilst some have a serious problem with greed and power.  That is why it is important not to judge the next person, but to see him or her on their own journey of self-reflection as are you.  We are all in different stages of that journey.  Some of us have finished have of the book while others have just opened the first page.  So be nice!  You never know what is happening for someone else; what page they are on in this book we will call The Journey of Life


Disclaimer: While I do not claim to be Buddhist, I follow a lot of their beliefs because they resonate with my soul.  Period, point blank.  If you look closely, you can find a lot of similarity within the other widely known religions in that they all aspire the person to strive towards positive thinking, reflection of self, and the better treatment of others.  Run away from hatred, greed, and the hunger of wanting and run towards the “be-attitudes” like contentment, good health, and freedom.  Just like Buddhism, Christianity requires the follower to “be still and know that I am God.”  Buddha is saying the same thing here.  Be still and you will find the sweetest joy.  You will know the way.  You will know God.