Saturday's Morning Meditation

Woke to the soft push to start this day in meditation. Not sure why it would appear to me as odd since I usually start each day meditating. This morning was different.

This random urge also urged me not to drink, eat, or speak before you center. Now, I’m catching on. I realize that in this session I have the possibility to experience oneness on another level so brace myself. I went to grab my basic items for opening or awakening as others call it, and began to silence myself into a tranquil state.

The aroma of frankincense subtly immersed the room in a sweet fragrance that brings up memories of old ancient times of my ancestors. I envisioned them in their daily tasks setting up their own ritual practices of reverence. I wondered if I am following their ways subconsciously as if it has been passed down from an ancestral astral vortex of knowledge easily embodied by whoever inhabits the flesh and blood of those who have transitioned to another plane of existence. The vessel of my ancestry is something so sacred to me unlike anything I have ever experienced. Love has no bounds, no limits, and especially no dimensions!

I sit down with my crystals and fragrance. The candle from a current ritual is still burning with great strength which I am lead to, so I sit right in front and notice that this is also the same area that I reverence my ancestors. Okay, you lead me here, I get it.

The bells chime which opens the path of awakening in my opinion. It is the subtle call for entrance. I went through my usual practice of opening, clearing, and direction. The music begins to play as I slowly fade into a meditative state. I am not sure how long I stayed as I usually use a timer, but as I stated, this session began completely unlike the others so I knew I was in a place where time was irrelevant to the experience.

At some point, I began to come back. I slowly opened my eyes and focused on the same flame that carried me out. I must’ve been there for hours. I felt full. The type of fullness you feel when you’ve had the best sleep in years. My heart is full. Like another ounce of love or light will make it burst. That makes me laugh; my bursted heart. Giving so much but hard to receive. Things that you are healed within the subconscious.

As I document the experience, I realize I am somewhat still in this quasi-meditative state of being that will likely follow me throughout the rest of the day. I begin my daily intention setting and creative work. The flow that comes naturally from some dormant of your brain that connected to the synapse that brought it. I am unable to keep up and document in the same speed that it flows. However, I know I will capture it all. It will wait for me.

For this I am completely grateful. It has brought a feeling of unbridled humility. I have an invigorated joy to embark on everything today with fresh eyes and a renewed mind. Things that subconsciously build up to fester on are no longer in my memory. I feel nothing. That word will initially bring up thoughts of emptiness, loneliness, and gloom. But when I say that I feel nothing, I am also saying that I feel everything. Nothing and everything are one in the same just like love and hate. So as above, as below. (look of for future posts regarding this topic!) I am one. I am none so that I become all. Every day is a new chance to walk the journey on a different path. One of love, light, and oneness.

The chimes and sounds of waves are regained into my existence as I notice that the music never ended. It slowly faded into the birds that are now chirping outside my window. What a joy it is to be alive. To experience the small, subtle sounds of an angelic being invented by the Creator.