New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Capricorn: Eating at a New Table in 2020 🍽
As we enter the New Moon and Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on the 26th of December, we reflect on our own table of comfort and security. The sign of Capricorn is the father of the zodiac which is characterized by its commitment, practicality, and sense of sustenance.
What will our table look like in 2020?
Common reflections:
-Who did I turn to when times got rough?
-Who was there supporting me through thick and thin?
-Who sat beside me while I had to eat a dish served cold??
-What do I want my table to look like in 2020?
-Who do I want to eat with at this table?
Who will sit at your table In 2020?
Removal is hard and scary. It's uncomfortable. 2019 gave you some real truths about life, people, and the things you once considered inherently permanent. A shift happened.
Death clears and tills the ground that you will see life spring forth from. You have already planted the seed. Now we wait. Patiently and with incessant joy. That is what intuition is for; to see a few cycles ahead to calm the nerves! It's already happening; it's already coming together. Pray to the ancestors, to God, Buddha, Ganesh, Allah, whomever you pray to (enter appropriate cultural deity), and LET IT GO. Surrender to the unknown. Only way to show you are truly ready for the next step when you've left the old one.
Be kind to yourself during this transition as no one said it would be easy. Being spiritual is not about always being positive, love, and/or light! It is about being true and authentic to your truth. Let me tell you how you need to embrace the duality of yourself and rely on those other parts for certain things. Some times you need to get down and dirty in order to remove it. You gotta get your hands dirty to even understand the sanctity of its cleanliness. You cannot appreciate the realness of love unless you've felt the opposite of it before.
Today literally marks the beginning of a brand new cycle in your life. Pay close attention to the events that surround this time as it will trail-blaze a new path for you. From today until January 11 when the moon enters Cancer, Capricorn’s polar opposite is the time of vital importance. Look inwards and be consciously aware of your experiences, emotions, and reactions during this time. It is bringing you closer to where you need to be. You have done the work in 2019 so that all you see is the fruits of your labor in 2020. People will wish they treated you differently when they see what you'll be eating on in 2020!!!!
Take today (as well as the next few) to set the intention for this new year.
Write it out and DON'T make it plain this time!!!
Write out everything specifically how you want envision it will play out without leaving any detail out....right down to the tire size of the new car you are about to receive....right down to the curve of her eyelash of the woman entering your life....right down to the last double digit of the new balance in your bank account. Everything is tangible, just waiting for you to grab hold.
It's your time.
If you need assistance with clearing the old, setting intention for the new year, or simply trying to figure out this next step, I am here to help. Click here for available services of assistance or if you have a question beforehand, book a complimentary consultation.