Brace yourself for upcoming breakdowns…..Mercury Retrograde is almost upon us.

Truth bombs.  

Travel Chaos.  

Technology Hiccups.  

Rekindled feelings.  

They are all ahead.

This particular occurrence happens three times this year and all within water signage so the feels will be lit! In this article, I am only referencing the upcoming date in time. 

 February 16 to March 3 in Pisces, March 4 to March 9 in Aquarius

So what IS Mercury Retrograde, really?

Three or four times a year (three in 2020), Mercury passes the earth in its orbit. As it comes around the bend, Mercury slows down and appears to stop, which is what we call “station” and spin backward, which is called “retrograde”. Of course, it really ISN’T moving backward, but much like two trains or cars passing each other, this creates the optical illusion that one is going backward.  All planets take retrograde positions at some point, but I will focus on Mercury for times’ sake.

In astrology, Mercury rules communication, travel, and technology—so all of these areas can go haywire for about three weeks. To top it off, Mercury retrograde also has what’s called a “shadow period”, so you may feel the #MercuryRetroshade a couple of weeks before and after the official Mercury Retrograde dates. Great, right?


Mercury mentally rules the transfer of information.

So the best advice I can give you: 

  • Try not to start anything new

  • Focus on activities that start with the prefix “re-,” which means to go back. 

    • Review all your contracts before you sign. 

    • Renew your commitments (vs. making new ones)

    • Reunite with old friends

    • Redecorate a room 

    • Rekindle a romance

  • Prepare to repeat yourself often in communication or in general, really. 

  • Password-protect all sensitive data and back it up on the cloud or storage

  • Keep drinks FAR away from your computer or iPhone/Note!!! 


Since Mercury Retrograde can disrupt technology, take special precautions with your digital data. Back up all your important files and photos to the cloud. Mercury rules contracts, so think before you sign any deals. Either wrap up important negotiations before the cycle starts, or wait to sign documents until after Mercury goes direct.

These are mistakes that can be avoided with a little extra caution until Mercury goes direct after the 3rd of March. 


Mercury’s silver lining

Mercury retrograde is a great opportunity to handle unfinished business. Most of us start a million things that we don’t complete, never realizing how much psychic clutter this creates. The retrograde is like a quarterly review. It’s a chance to tie up those loose ends and create a clear vision for the future.

Take advantage of it, and you’ll emerge fresh and ready when Mercury goes direct. As the cliche goes, what you resist persists. So the more you can embrace chaos or a lack of control (and isn’t control an illusion, anyhow?), the better you’ll survive at Mercury Retrograde cycle!

Born in Mercury Retrograde?

If you were born with Mercury Retrograde in your birth/natal chart (which I was), you may actually become sharper, clearer or more productive during this time. But you won’t be immune to Mercury’s impact, unfortunately. I’ve had my whole computer crash right before me when it has never presented any issue beforehand and nothing ever since this occurrence.  Yes, this actually happened! But don’t fret; you could also thrive in areas where others are failing. Some of my most largest contracts and spiritual opportunities were offered during Mercury retrograde so I am also excited at what this one will entail. You might even become more psychic or dialed-in during Mercury’s backspin.  Happened to me.

Grab our Mercury Retrograde Bag for extra goodies to help you out within this season!!!

Amber Thomas