How to Plan Your Work During the Planetary Hour and/or Day
Days of the Week to Perform Ritual Work
I’m often asked which days are best to for certain work. Days of the week are important when petitioning energy to help with your intentional work. Hours of the day are important as well and are widely known as Planetary Hours. However, all planets do not have a corresponding hour which I will emphasize and/or explain below. Instead of me sending multiple individual messages, I decided to share it all at once to help whoever wants to learn more!
This day is dedicated to the Sun. Hence, the word Sun-day. This day is best for healing of the body, mind, and soul. Whatever your personal religion or spiritual belief, many have this in common upon comparison. For instance, in Christianity, on the third day, Jesus rose with a symbol of not only hope/everlasting life but a message of complete healing.
This day is also best for management and decision making as most deities of supreme consciousness are represented by the Sun. For instance, in African and Afro-Latina religions, Olodumare and Obatala rule the Sun and are also as representation of supreme knowledge and the ultimate consciousness. Insights into problem solving, discernment, and balance are also related to this day.
Sunday is also the day for divine intervention, manifestation, miracle work, as well as the building of friendships and special relationships.
The Hour of the Sun is equally important and related to the same attributes as its day. Working on Sunday during the hour of the Sun will supercharge any ritual or work done during this hour.
Monday is my personal favorite!! People often look at me crazy when I say this since so many people dread Mondays. It’s not a coincidence they’ve made numerous songs about the energy of Monday, i.e. Manic Monday, I Don’t Like Mondays, etc.
Monday is the day dedicated to the Moon. Since the moon rules our subconscious, our emotions and feelings, it’s not a coincidence that people have vastly different emotions about this day. Monday is best for psychic undertakings or impressions, summoning power, and divine and/or inspirational receiving of messages.
Monday is also set for intuition, imagination, creativity, and idea expansion. It allows us to reach our subconscious to uncover our truest ideas and bringing them into fruition. It is also best for healing as well. Monday is great for work that is temporary or likely to change and for domestic activities too.
Monday work during the hour of the Moon will heighten your instinct and subconscious to make your work greater.
Mars rules Tuesday. Mars is the planet that represents our energy, action, and desire. It is the survival instinct, our “fight or flight” so to speak and can be thought of as its animalistic nature or instinct of man. Mars rules our aggression, anger, and survival.
Any protection or binding work can be done on this day. Self-protection as well the petitioning of protection for others. Strengthening the mind and body are also great for this day as well as building confidence.
Sexual energy work, kundalini meditation and work, tantric practice are all heightened under this day and/or hour.
Good for activities that require muscular exertion, boldness, courage and active enterprise, when your feelings are in check.
Caution is needed if you are angry or stressed, and especially if a relationship is involved, for Mars energy can be confrontational.
Tuesday work during the hour of Mars will heighten the qualities listed above.
Wednesday is the day devoted to Mercury. Mercury is for abstract thinking, mental alertness, speaking, signing papers, sending significant mail, or fixing computer problems. Mercury is basically for any activity related to communication, provided you are in the frame of mind to be logical and rational.
Wednesday is the work day for career or job issues, for intellectual pursuits, and research. It is also as day for travel planning.
Caution: Mercury can be a trickster when you are mentally fogged or emotionally upset. Enter in your personal experience during Mercury retrograde. Feelings are off affecting how you communicate with others, the unclear thinking, etc.
Wednesdays during the hour of Mercury is also ultra-heightened.
Thursday is also one that is dear to me. Thursday is devoted to mighty Jupiter. Jupiter is helpful in just about any and every area you can think of and also great for starting new ventures! Caution is warned that there may be a predisposition to excess or overindulgence. Stay balanced and humble in your wanting, intending, and petitioning. Thursday is also dedicated to spiritual development.
Thursday is great for legal matters, court appearances, and other activities related to justice. Keep in mind that this energy works “fair” so to speak. If you are asking for a “favor” when you are guilty, don’t expect a miracle. Expect that justice will be served wherever the truth stands.
Thursday is also the day dedicated to all expansion. It is great for finances, money, and prosperity rituals as well. Working on Thursday during the hour of Jupiter will turn your regular "shmegular" money to riches pouring out so much blessing that there will be no room to store it!! YAS!
Friday! TGIF, right? Friday is the day for all love and romance. For self-love and for the love of others, particularly a significant other of interest. Friday is ruled by Venus, the lover of all relationships whether love, courtship, or platonic.
If you are working for reconciliation, Friday’s energy will be helpful for you working to heal the disconnect between you both and to “sweeten” any future interaction.
Friday is helpful in achieving tranquility after stress and peace work.
Friday is important for social activities, marriage, and financial investments! Ever wonder why Friday happy hours are so fantastic, this is why!
Friday is vain, so all activities related to beauty, appearance, and self-preservation should be done on this day. Beautifying your surroundings, Feng Sui, and aesthetic work is heightened on Friday also.
Friday’s during the hour of Venus is heightened to the max.
Saturday is the day of Saturn. Saturn is the slowest moving planet in space. For that reason, it rules our limitations and restrictions. Saturday is the best day for organization and the “plow and till” of tedious work. It is best for working through the breaking of bad and/or unwanted habits and accepting and dealing with responsibility. It is the planetary energy that forces us to put our big boy/girl pants on and stick with what you originally set out to do. It forces us to be responsible or shows us the lack thereof. Saturn’s energy works with us to discern our idle thoughts. It is the day for contemplation, self-reflection, and meditation, especially if you are tired or overwhelmed.
Saturday is also the work day for home-related activities and/or issues, weight loss, personal goal commitments, and for brainstorming future projects and/or ideas.
Saturday is the best day for binding work and releasing people and/or things from your life (any form of relationship). Need to breakup or quit a job, do it on a Saturday preferably on a waning moon. Release, release, release!
Now that I’ve explained each day and hour related to its respective planet, I want to also mention that you can merge and/or combine some of this energy as well. For instance, say you cannot schedule a court date for Thursday. Think about scheduling it on a Friday to sweeten the judge and during the hour of Jupiter. Or maybe you cannot mediate a dispute on a Friday, try working on Sunday during the hour of Venus.
If you have are seeking advice with ritual and/or spiritual work, or simply just have a question, feel free to contact me to book a session. It is my ultimate goal to serve in this way!