Unused Gifts
If I get another reminder that my gift is not being used! Ugh, my head hurts playing this out in my head. I am not sure this happens to anyone else but when I get an intuition bite, as I like to call it, the message will allow me to visually play the scene out in my head. Sort of like placing VR glasses over your eyes and being transformed into a new dimensional reality. This particular scene was really strange because this time it revealed the negative: what could happen if I never use the gift. It was frightening and frankly upsetting. I became immediately disappointed with myself as though it was my actual reality. I saw how many people could have been but were not helped because of the negligence I chose to show my gift. It temporarily broke me. I had to do it by any means necessary.
As a child, I was completely oblivious to my gifts. I knew I was smart but why was I created?
I picked a box on the shelf much like the rest of society. I said, "This seems to fit." But it didn't. It never does. Society will brainwash you into thinking you know who you are when all you have done is cut, copied, and pasted someone else's life path. You see a doctor growing up. That looks fun. I want to be a doctor I guess. But do you really? Is that why you are here?
I began my journey in research and discovery. My issue became prioritizing the gifts because then I realized I was created with MANY. How do you become all the things created in you? At once? This is way too much for one person. Often times, the need to reset and reprioritize grows stronger and stronger the more you run around the hamster wheel trying to complete them all and then still find time for yourself to chill and relax. But when do you ever stop to think, “The way I am currently working and moving, is this effective for me? Am I working to my best potential?” Hopefully, you don’t ignore this little voice and make the time to balance out life.
I'm convinced that you don't choose your path. #Yourpathischosenforyou.
If you do not use your gift that was purposely created JUST for you, you will meet moments like this when you aren’t too happy with yourself. You will like your contentious life but you know you are supposed to do more. You know that something great is growing inside of you. You see the joy following it. It is magical. It is magnificent. It has been there this whole time. And once that little voice grows into a loud piercing yell, you’ll face mental turmoil until you figure it out.
Of course, not the whole road is mental turmoil. As I said, you’ll like your life. You'll have surprises and small bouts of joy that you think are big. But, when you step on the other side of thinking but actually knowing why you were created at this specific moment of time, the age of Aquarius, the brink of unlimited potential, exponential technological advancements, and the like....once you truly know, there is no greater joy.
And it isn't over yet. You think that's it but you really have just started. Do you just have one? Are there many? Are you the missing link to great things happening? You've come to this undeniable realization and NOW I have to BE it. You'll get subtle signs of how the gift works, how it can be used to help others, how you can sustain yourself with it, etc. We have to use the gift(s). We have to step into the purpose I was created for. Or you can keep telling yourself you are content with your current life.
Clearly, there is no other choice.
If you need help figuring this out, you are definitely not the only one. As you can see, I was you. I did the self-work to start using my limitless potential. A part of my gift is helping others realize theirs. No greater joy. Feel free to schedule a consultation to chat about some intentions you have for your future or what is blocking you from stepping into your greatness.
#unusedgifts #ijustam #shortblogpost #whoareyou #thinking #knowing #whyareyouhere #create #purpose #lifepurpose #society #transparentthoughts #blog #blogger