Super Blood Wolf Moon.....what?
The super blue moon is almost upon us, y’all! I know you have seen the mentions on social media and may have even felt uneasy or that feeling of “something just isn’t right” type of emotion come over you within these last few days. Believe me, you are not the only one! Here is some explanation as to why.
Why is this particular full moon so important?
On January 21, a total lunar eclipse will combine with a super moon, a blood moon, AND a blue moon. Yes, that’s right it is a trifecta of sorts! A powerful celestial event that will remind us universally to press forward without an inch of fear and to claim all that is ours this year. It also forces us to look at the load of B.S. we let slide in our lives and exposes the truth we could not see through it. Let’s break down what this means:
What makes it a Super Moon?
A super moon refers to the moment when the full moon is at its closest location towards Earth. This makes the lunar eclipse highly visible and its intensity super strong given its proximity. Depending on where you are in North America, your chances of viewing this experience differ so be on the lookout during the early hours of the morning.
What makes it a Blood Moon?
A blood moon gets its name from the reddish glow that comes from total eclipse. It will definitely be a sight to see.
What makes it a Wolf Moon?
A wolf moon just means that it is the first full moon of January. It received its name from the harsh cold and deep snows of midwinter, when the wolf packs howled hungrily outside Native American villages We have another blue moon at the end of March of this year. You can already see that 2019 is a definite power year!
With the moon positioned in Cancer, there are some notable mentions to consider to fully maximize this tri-lunar energy. Disclaimer: You will be pushed to your limits, completely outside your comfort zone, forcing you to face obstacles you were pushing to the side for future review. You won’t be able to procrastinate at this time but that is exactly what we need for growth.
How to Maximize This Tri-Lunar Event
1. Look Inward
Here is where the synchronicity comes in. This event occurs at the 11th degree in Leo, activating an amazingly rare 11-11-11 abundance portal at lightning speed. This message is clear and direct. You are co-creating with God and have the ability to manifest whatever your heart desires in 2018. The sign of Leo is all about authority and pleasure (visualize the lion). This is our moment for self-reflection. Are we living our best, most pleasurable life? Are we not only creating healthy boundaries but respecting others boundaries set as well? When the Leo power is focused on overcoming the ego rather than identifying and acknowledging it, there is a complete shift in personal growth and consciousness. This shift brings in a new sense of leadership making you more emotionally intelligent, motivated by altruistic intention and the ultimate desire to serve. The current Aquarian energy helps with this as well.
2. Set Your Intention
Start with a fresh mindset. Whether that means taking a spiritual bath, smudging you as well as your space, meditating, or whatever your personal preference, cleanse yourself freeing the mind, body, and soul from negativity and toxicity. This is important in order to expose your purest form, preparing you to set your intentions. Make them clear. I prefer an actual list to use for future reference and to literally “check” the task off my list. There is some sort of feeling of accomplishment when you check things off of your to-do list. It makes you want to accomplish more! Keep your list close and review from time to time to ensure you are on the right track towards your manifested goals. Bring it into your spiritual practice so that you are on the same page with your creator. You may notice that along the way, the goals change or transform to fit you and your life purpose. Be flexible in case it has to change. Sometimes when we do not accomplish something we have set in our mind, we get discouraged, beating ourselves with overthought and depression. Oftentimes, the plan is just revised, not completely erased or neglected. The list of great intention may just change to fit the better and greater you.
3. Trifecta Manifestation
While the moon is positioned in Leo, the sun is currently sitting in Aquarius which means that your higher Self is super accessible. Knowing what sign the sun is in will help you know what projects to work on and how people′s subtle behaviors will shift in both positive and negative ways. People who are naturally optimistic will express the more positive traits of Aquarius and people who are pessimistic can portray more of the darker side of this zodiac sign.
Aquarius is the sign of spiritual awakening, friendliness, and increased magnetism making it an opportune time to work with your creator. The answer is always here and accessible, but it is up to you to ask the right questions and most importantly to LISTEN.
4. Let It Go
An eclipse is a great time to take out the trash in your life. Leave the things that are not serving you. Look inward for the self-work. Reflecting and embracing what serves the higher you while eliminating anything and everything preventing you from joy and focus. Let him/her go, get rid of that stagnant job, stop saying yes when you really want to say “NO”, reclaim your time, Sis! Let go of old attitudes and behaviors not serving you, old belief systems and old paradigms that no longer enlighten you. Shut the door for good and embrace a new vision. A friend in a mutual group quoted it best by saying, “With that being said, whatever hits you that does not add to your colors of growth or beauty than send that person on their jolly way and be nice enough to give them a lollipop and that ‘Please Don't Worry" Lion King phrase!” It was too good not to include in this post.
Note: With such an extremely powerful lunar event, the energy will dispel in the places where It was created to go, but there will also be a residue of sorts. Just like in chemistry when experimenting with substances, there was always a sign of what just took place. This is something you may want to remember during highly energetic lunar events. I remember some of my folks who mutually discuss these types of topics often noted the residual energy left over from the recent solar eclipse. Even the residue was pretty powerful! One group member mentioned, “I feel like this is an uncharted territory for whomever I thought I could be while simultaneously coming back to who I was destined to be”.
So, grab your seats and enjoy the ride, love. Everything that is happening is working just for YOU.