2025 Yearly Forecast
2025 Yearly Forecast
Sale Price:$62.22 Original Price:$88.88
Receive insight for the full year ahead in the areas of love/relationships, career/money, and most importantly self-discovery to ensure you make the most out of 2025, especially before we enter it!
You will gain knowledge on how to LEVEL UP this year and take full advantage of the major dates for your birth placement.
Detailed summary based on your individual natal chart, Chinese zodiac information, and gender. I combine all three to give you a description of who you are, how people see and interact with you, and important factors to consider on your life’s journey.
Then, the magic happens! We take a look into your forecast using tarot and more metaphysical tools to break down your love, money, and overall life throughout 2025 in chronological order. You will have a copy to turn back to all year as a guide of direction and trajectory.
After purchase, complete the form attached. After submission, your description will be sent to you within 3-5 business days.