Raw Calcite

Raw Calcite


Chakra: Heart, Throat, Third Eye

Color: Varied

Zodiac: Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn (Green Calcite)

Zodiac: Cancer, Libra, Leo (Blue Calcite)

Physical Qualities: Calcite is a calcium carbonate mineral with a hardness of 3. It comes in a wide variety of forms and colours and is found on every continent of the world. Calcite makes up the major part of marble and limestone. Green Calcite occurs in massive form rather than crystals and the most abundant source is from Mexico. Blue Calcite is located in parts of Africa, Brazil, Czech Republic, Germany, India, Madagascar, Mexico, Romania, UK, and USA.

Spiritual Qualities: Green Calcite can be used to assist in the manifestation process. Green Calcite will also bring in the energy of trust, allowing that what has been manifested will be received.

Use Green Calcite when working with the Heart Chakra to bring emotional balance and knowledge of God's love. Green Calcite can be placed directly on the Heart Chakra to forge a better connection between the nadis (energy channels) and chakras.

Helpful for reaching mental balance, Green Calcite helps to dissolve old energy patterns and beliefs that may be holding you back. Green Calcite assists during times of mental change or big transitions. Use Green Calcite to help release the comfortable, old programs that you may be holding on to but which no longer serve you. A peaceful stone, Green Calcite can help one to look at situations differently, with the knowledge that, whether good or bad.

Calming Blue Calcite soothes frayed nerves and lessens anxieties. A gentle stone to use when recuperating, Blue Calcite facilitates physical healing by clearing negative emotions and encouraging rest and relaxation. Blue Calcite can also work as a natural sedative after an emotional trauma, such as the death of a loved one.

Use Blue Calcite with the Throat Chakra to facilitate calm communication.

It amplifies energy in the Throat Chakra, allowing clear communication, especially among differing or opposing points of view. Working with the Third-Eye Chakra, Blue Calcite can enhance or activate the intuition and inner sight. Blue Calcite also aids memory and learning, and helps students retain their lessons. Meditating with Blue Calcite can promote an optimistic point of view by helping one to see the perfection of the Universe.

Physically, Blue Calcite lowers blood pressure and may help to dissolve pain on all levels. Gently soothing the nerves and lifting anxieties, Blue Calcite releases negative emotions. Blue Calcite can absorb this emotional energy, filter it, purify it and then return positive, healing energy back to the sender.

In general, Calcite is a powerful energy amplifier and cleanser. The purifying energy of Calcite cleans out stored negative energy from a room, the body, etc. Use Calcite to clear out old energy patterns and to increase personal motivation and drive. Calcite is also a good choice for distance healing work, because it amplifies the energy being sent.

Calcite is also known as the "stone of the mind." Calcite heightens mental discernment and analysis, increases memory and learning abilities. Calcite is THE stone for students and academics. Calcite is also useful during times of mental adjustments and disagreements. Calcite can show you a new way to look at a situation, easing you away from old, outdated thought patterns that may be in the way of new ideas.

Physically, Calcite has been associated with the bones and joints, and balances the amount of calcium in the body. Calcite can also help to improve the body`s absorption of important vitamins and minerals.

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