Oya Transformation Oil

Oya Transformation Oil

from $17.99

Oya is the ruler of the winds, storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and burial. She brings change, transformation, and merchant business. A teacher of reality and a source of justice. Oya is a fierce warrior and the ultimate protector of women, who appeal to her regarding issues or disputes to resolve favorably. Oya is one of the most powerful Orishas there are. She is the Ruler of the 8th House of Scorpio ruled by Pluto; a house of absolute power! The eighth house dominates this eighth house of transformation, regeneration, death, sex reincarnation, and other peoples money; inheritances and financing. Oya is the storm goddess; she is the hurricanes that form on the West coast of Africa traveling across the Atlantic with winds that generating anywhere from seventy to two hundred miles an hour, she is the tornados and twisters that uproots trees and houses. She is the only force within nature that has the ability to change the face of the earth from her destructive winds. It is Oya who dominates the market place.

Storm from Marvel’s X-Men was illustrated and depicted from her image and symbolism. She is the eldest sister to the goddesses Oshun and Yemaya.

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