Raw Stitchite (Lavenderite)

Raw Stitchite (Lavenderite)


Color: Purple

Chakra: Heart, Throat, Third Eye

Zodiac: Virgo, Gemini, Scorpio

Physical Qualities: Stichtite is found on the island of Tasmania in Australia, as well as in South Africa and Canada.  The meaning of this stones name relates to when it was first discovered in Tasmania in 1910, as it was named after the mine manager there, Robert Stich.

Spiritual Qualities: Stitchite is a stone of calm, serenity and bliss. It links one spiritually to the domains of the ancient Ascended Masters, allowing one to experience their vibrational presence. These are good stones to work with in meditation, especially when one wishes to enter the realms of Light associated with the Violet Ray. The power of Stitchite is very gentle, and it can thus be an aid to those who are convalescing after an illness, injury or emotional shock. Stitchite is a stone of spiritual protection, and it can help one to be alert and aware of negative energies in one’s environment, bringing one’s personal power into focus for dispelling such influences.

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