Ammonite Fossil

Ammonite Fossil


(Also known as Cleoniceras Cleon)

Cretaceous Age - 100 million years

Color: Brown, Grey, Iridescent

Chakra: Third Eye, Root

Zodiac: Aquarius, Cancer

Physical Qualities: Ammonite fossils are believed to help with ailments like blood pressure and degenerative disorders, such as those affecting the ears and lungs. The company’s inventory location source is Madagascar. They can also be found in China and India.

Spiritual Qualities: Ammonite shells have absorbed the energies of the cosmic and can infuse the body with this life force. Their spiral shape is a sign of the interconnectedness of all things and the divine or supreme plan of all life. Imbued with Earth Energy, these fossils help us connect with nature's healing power and grounds us, helping us sense our connection with all living things throughout time. It is thought to hold Ammonite shells while meditating can connect us to the knowledge of our ancient ancestors or from within our own past lives.

Symbols of change and positive motion, the spiral draws in negative energy, filtering it through the chambers and releasing fresh, positive energy. Due to this connection with energy, ammonites have been used for activating Kundalini--the concept in Dharma that refers to primal energy (called shakti)--which coils at the base of the spine and is a source of life force or energy. Ammonites are associated with ancient knowledge, which makes sense considering how long these fossils have been around.

Ammonite is beneficial to those who build or design. It is an excellent companion for construction workers, contractors, architects or even graphic designers or interior decorators as it is commonly used in feng shui design.

*Sold Separately

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