

from $2.00

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Color: Yellowish-red to reddish-brown, usually with white bands throughout

Chakra: Root, Sacral

Zodiac: Virgo, Aries, Leo, and Taurus

Physical Qualities: This stone is type of banded or striped Chalcedony, and is a mixture of Onyx and Orange Carnelian. Also known as Sardian Onyx, it may be clearly banded or have a less defined mix of colors.

Sardonyx invigorates all the sensory organs and improves all perceptions of the senses. It regulates all body fluids, cell metabolism and the activity of the intestines and encourages absorption of nutrients and elimination of wastes. Sardonyx helps to repair bones and heals the sensory organs, touch, smell, hearing and eyes. Sardonyx strengthens the immune system. Sardonyx may help with impotence and sterility, it strengthens the function of the lungs. This stone will overcome the debilitating effects of chronic back pain, bowel, prostrate and bladder problems, kidney and urinary tract infections. It cleanses the whole physical system of blockages and impurities that result from parasites of all kinds, septicemia, HIV and AIDS.

Sardonyx provides the stabilization and strength required to have the endurance, energy, and fortitude to create prosperity and good fortune based on good moral ethics. With its grounding vibrations, this stone helps you translate your energies into tangible results. This is a good stone for a builder, athlete, physical therapist, chiropractor or massage therapist as it will increase business success.

The chief source for sardonyx is found in India. Sardonyx can also be found in Brazil, India, Germany, Uruguay, Russia and the United States.

Spiritual Qualities: It was once believed that sardonyx would make its wearer "as brave and daring as what it was carved into." In ancient Rome, sardonyx was often used for seals as it never sticks to wax. Roman soldiers would wear sardonyx stones engraved with Mars, The God of War, believing the stone would bring courage, fearlessness, and victory. Sardonyx was once used as a talisman in ancient Egypt as protection against evil. Today, sardonyx is believed to bring success, honor, courage, protection from evil, and financial rewards. Sardonyx is associated with clear communication. Sardonyx is said to allow one to project such an incredible charisma that many people suggest the stone be used with care to avoid overwhelming others. Wear them, they say, when you want extra power in a particular circumstance. Because it promotes integrity and virtuous behavior, this may assist you to enhance your marriage or close partnership, especially if either partner is losing interest in remaining faithful.

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