Yemaya Fertility Oil

Yemaya Fertility Oil

from $17.99

The Goddess of the Living Ocean!

The Beautiful Mother!

Nurturing, Maternal, She is considered mother of all.

Oil Attributes:

This oil is specially cleansed, blended and empowered with the energy of Yemaya. With a scent of notes from the seas, Yemaya fertility oil brings the energy of fertility and creation. Whether you are trying to conceive or metaphysically creating by starting a new idea, business, or project. This oil is specially created for you. Wear it, meditate with it, or dress your offerings with this nurturing oil.

Name Variations: YEMAYA YEMOJA IEMOJA IEMANYA . Her name is a contraction of Yey Omo Eja, which means "Mother Whose Children are the Fish." She is also called “Mama Wata" and “Mother of the Waters/Seas/Ocean”

She is the ruler of the seas. Water is essential to life, hence her protection of life of all things. Without Yemaya, life on earth would not be possible. She is the great mother, hence her also ruling over childbirth, She is the great mother of the Orishas as well. She is the ultimate maternal energy.

She is the ultimate maternal energy, strongly protective, and cares deeply for all Her children, comforting and cleansing them of their sorrow. She is said to be able to cure infertility in women. She also represents wealth with her cowrie shells as representative. She does not easily lose Her temper, but when angered She can be quite destructive and violent, as the sea in a storm.

When she goes to war on behalf of her children, she wields a machete with expertise and no one can defeat her. Her eleke is made out of seven white or transparent crystal beads alternating with seven royal blue ones. She wears a big beautiful blue dress with seven white lines of adornment or with seven actual skirts that represent the seven seas. Her number is seven representative of the seven seas as well.

Day of the Week: Monday

Number: SEVEN 7

Colors: Blue and White

Day of Celebration: February 2 & September 7

Children of The Great Mother are willing, strong and rigorous. They are also very intelligent people, skillful, with character. They can be impetuous and arrogant sometimes, possessing both maternal or paternal energy, of a changing character like the sea, for calm moments as well for brave moments. They contain a spirit of improvement, often strong fighters, authoritative, and strict. Sometimes they can appear inflexible, determined, and constant. They are persuasive and charasmatic; fortune tellers by nature as they have strong intuition. Men of Yemaya are often well-mannered possibly possessing subtle feminine or metrosexual attributes but not necessarily homosexual. They like to test their friendships and they can let things go but not forgetting the offense even if they forgive them. Usually, they are great parents, showing extreme protection and love. They love luxury and magnificence. They are lovers of jewels and the good life. They are sexual beings, sometimes arrogant, never losing their dignity in the face of life’s trials and tribulations. They are fair but a bit formal and have a high degree of self-esteem.

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