Yemaya Ritual for Prosperity & Protection

Yemaya Ritual for Prosperity & Protection


Her name has many variations: YEMAYA YEMOJA IEMOJA IEMANYA and many more.

Her name is a contraction of Yey Omo Eja, which means "Mother Whose Children are the Fish." She is also called “Mama Wata" and “Mother of the Waters/Seas/Ocean”

It is a day to celebrate the Great Mother.  We celebrate her energy on February 2 and again in September.  She brings us great protection to all women and the men she is particular to.  She offers a special kind of fertility, one that can fill each part of your life with abundance.  Whether you are seeking the birth of a child or the birth of a new job or project, she will assist you and see your goal to fruition.  She is the bearer of prosperous fruit.  

If you are serious about manifesting abundance in your life this year, this is the help you were looking for.  Remember that message saying you were going to get the help you needed to attain your goal. Here it is!  Don’t hesitate or settle for stagnation.  Your time is NOW.

22 Numerology: An extremely powerful angel number that comes with the message that you are on purpose in life.  You are on the brink of turning your dreams into reality. 22 is also a master number in numerology which comes with its own extraordinary power and vibration.  22 is one of the most powerful numbers.  Its number represents light, harmony, and cooperation.  The universe is cooperating with you.  It wants what you want.  Tap into this energy with me. 


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a.     In the INFO section: state the name of the person OR business of importance.

b.     33.3% OFF---If you would like to include other names and/or businesses (per request).

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2.     Stay in the present energy.

3.     Nothing else.  I handle the rest! 

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